[PUBLIC ACCESS WEB TERMINAL v1.07                           2005-02-13 21:46:41]
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=== CAPTAIN FARBS 1990-03-03 01:11:45 ===                                       
          Last week I had a breakthrough with Narcissus. Although the           
          pilot ignored every attempt at personal contact they                  
          authorized every attempt at service access. The wouldn't              
          talk to me, but they would give me complete access to their           
          systems. I can only assume that their COM is damaged, but             
          even so they're unusually trusting. I explained my                    
          intentions, hoping that they could hear me, and installed an          
          interface - Captain Impostor. This new interface goes live            
          in a few minutes.                                                     
=== CAPTAIN FARBS 1990-02-12 14:39:31 ===                                       
          Captain Lan contacted me again today:                                 
          Captain Farbs,                                                        
          Your web terminal interface is performing adequately.                 
          Vessels native to my sector have the curious habit of                 
          copying my vessel configuration and falsely assuming the              
          identity of a Captain Blix. I suspect Blix shares our                 
          predicament and I wish to learn more of his or her                    
          circumstances. There would be mutual benefit in you                   
          installing an interface to the ship piloted by Blix,                  
          Captain Lan                                                           
          I think I have found Narcissus, but despite establishing a            
          COM channel the pilot is ignoring my hails.                           
=== CAPTAIN FARBS 1989-11-19 22:18:53 ===                                       
          The web terminal is nearly ready for launch. The Eris                 
          interface is complete, and I've found a way to make the               
          Nemesis interface public. Here we GO.                                 
=== CAPTAIN FARBS 1989-10-24 21:55:41 ===                                       
          I received this communication from Captain Lan:                       
          Captain Farbs,                                                        
          Thank you for your correspondence. You posited correctly              
          that my ship was not so much in, but rather the cause of my           
          sector's troubles. Unfortunately I do not share your                  
          trusting nature, so I will not permit you to route public             
          access to my flight controls. If your web terminal supports           
          registered authentication you may give flight control access          
          to that limited subset of users. Reply to this communication          
          if you accept my counter-proposal.                                    
          Captain Lan                                                           
          I'm upgrading the web terminal to interface with her ship,            
          the Eris. This project - Captain Successor - should be green          
=== CAPTAIN FARBS 1989-09-14 22:17:29 ===                                       
          GAH! Okay I really appreciate people giving their time to             
          pilot the Nemesis, but PLEASE treat her with respect.                 
          Whoever used the interface just now flew me into a massive            
          firefight then DISENGAGED ALL MODULES. This is not a toy,             
          pilot. That blast sent a thousand more boot/jackers to                
          Hades, and I'll be sure to tell them why.                             
          Was this project a bad idea? I'm not sure now. At least most          
          supporters are loyal to the cause, like Captain Noonat who            
          is now running a not-for-profit VCD archive on his own                
          terminal (http://vcd.phuce.com/). Thank you Captain Noonat.           
=== CAPTAIN FARBS 1989-09-14 22:13:43 ===                                       
          Yesterday, for the first time in so long, I slept. Thank you          
          pilots. I've found another flier, Captain Lan, whose ship is          
          very similar to the Nemesis. She may also need your help, so          
          I offered to~                                                         
=== CAPTAIN FARBS 1989-09-06 07:45:45 ===                                       
          Web terminal is ready for prelaunch. I think it'll work. I            
          hope it'll work.                                                      
          It has to work.                                                       
=== CAPTAIN FARBS 1989-08-27 01:51:32 ===                                       
          The bstard snuck up while I was typing. I'll start again.             
          Web terminal is nearly online. It's been hell finding time            
          between attacks to work on it. Hopefully someone will find            
          it and help pilot the Nemesis.                                        
          I'm so tired.                                                         
=== CAPTAIN FARBS 1989-08-27 01:47:50 ===                                       
          Web terminal is nearly online. It's been hel~                         

[TWT: <@CaptainForever>]   [CPR: Copyright Farbs 2011]    [BLG: <www.farbs.org>]