[PUBLIC ACCESS WEB TERMINAL v1.07                           2005-02-13 21:28:27]
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[     <CAPTFOREVER.BAT> ] [ 
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                           AUTHORIZATION CHECK: FAIL                            

>>>PERSONAL NOTE>>> CAPTAIN FARBS 1990-03-03 21:12:07                           
    The Narcissus flight manual file is corrupt, but I've managed to learn this 
    much about flying her:                                                      
    === Cloning ===                                                             
    The Narcissus has no configuration mechanism. It's like nothing I'd ever    
    seen before. Where the configuration mechanism should be I found something  
    called a CLONE DRIVE. This device manufactures copies of nearby vessels and 
    fuses them to the Narcissus. I piped control of the device through the      
    interface and bound it to a toggle on the SHIFT key. You'll need to use this
    if you want to fly anything other than the bare command module.             
    === Clone Power ===.                                                        
    The CLONE DRIVE collects and stores some kind of resource from detonating   
    command modules. If you find yourself in combat you'll see what I'm talking 
    about. Collect enough of this resource and the next time you use the CLONE  
    DRIVE you'll create modules of a higher level. Activating the CLONE DRIVE   
    depletes this resource, so I suggest you use it sparingly.                  
    === Combat ===                                                              
    The boot/jackers in this sector are faster and better armed than I'm used   
    to. Battles can last only seconds, and the bstards just keep coming. For    
    once I'm glad to be stuck in the Nemesis. Try to keep it together.          
    Good luck.                                                                  
<<<END PERSONAL NOTE<<<                                                         

[TWT: <@CaptainForever>]   [CPR: Copyright Farbs 2011]    [BLG: <www.farbs.org>]